Did You Score Some Cool Stuff During The Holidays?

One of the mistakes I believe adults make during The Holidays is failing to act like a kid: being excited, anticipating the fun, as well as buying and receiving impractical gifts are all part of what make The Holiday Season special. I feel like my role in our family is to be that guy: Mr. Dreamer…Mr. Impractical…Mr. Excitable. Well, my younger brother Brian one-upped me this Christmas with an amazingly nostalgic gift: a still-in-the-box 1972 Coleman Cooler, complete with a matching thermos and produce tray! This gift is nostalgic to both of us, as my family had the same cooler (in light blue) when Brian and I were kids. My parents dragged us, and that cooler, all over Baja, Mexico as we attended the many off-road races my father was a part of throughout the 1970’s. We learned to enjoy pull-top cans of peaches and fruit cocktail, floating in the melting cooler ice on a hot Baja afternoon…we pulled countless bottles of Coca-Cola out of that sucker, while my parents pulled the occasional bottle of Corona or pull-tab can of Coors from the warm, label-filled muck. Cooler technology has obviously improved since the early ‘70’s, and I never imagined I’d see (let alone OWN) another one of these classic camping necessities. Now it’s displayed proudly next to my more modern cooling devices in the garage…next to the dog toys…for the dog who tried to make the cooler his own dog toy on Christmas morning. Bad dog!

John Young