The Boston Red Sox, Like Our SF Giants, Are Ahead Of The Curve On Social Justice
The Boston Red Sox put their banner where their mouths are in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, hanging a massive #Black Lives Matter sign outside of Fenway Park two weeks ago. The amazing banner, over 250 feet long and 20 feet high, also marks the 61st anniversary of the team’s first black player, Elijah Green’s first game at Fenway Park. Red Sox President and CEO Sam Kennedy has been very public about his team’s support for the Black Lives Matter movement; he wrote on Twitter (@skennedysox) “Please know we stand with you. Silence in the face of injustice is unacceptable.” Our own San Francisco Giants manager Gabe Kapler knelt during The National Anthem (along with other players and staff) to show solidarity with those seeking racial justice; if you follow Kapler on Social Media you’ll see his commitment to these issues is strong and longstanding. With Baseball’s weird and shortened season threatened daily by the ongoing pandemic and ensuing positive COVID-19 player tests, it’s nice to see this obvious display of forward progress grace our Nation’s ballparks.
John Young