Solano County’s EMS Director is Retiring
Solano County EMS Director, Ted Selby is retiring! I spoke with Ted about his wonderful years in Solano County, and here’s what Ted had to say..
I have been truly blessed and I am honored to have served as Solano County’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Director for the past 11 years. I didn’t see this day coming when I took the roll in May 2010, and I certainly wouldn’t be here without the support of partners like Medic Ambulance Kaiser Permanente, NorthBay Healthcare, our Fire Departments, KUIC, and many others. A lot ha happened since 2010, we created STEMI (Special Cardiac Receiving) System, a local Trauma system, an EMS Agency for bordering jurisdiction, an Advanced Life Support with RN level of ambulance service, and Emergency Department Approved for Pediatrics program, and finally a full functioning Stroke system. Most recently we also managed medical transport and placement for the Covid-19 repatriation missions bringing US Citizens home to Travis from Asia,and of course we we worked hard on the mass vaccination efforts throughout Solano County. And now, as I am going to close with a quote. In the immortal words of bob Hope..”Thanks for the Memories”.
Thanks for all of the awesome years keeping our KUIC listeners informed Ted!
Donna Perry