Revisiting The Scene Of Our First Flirtation
My beautiful wife Meg and I have been together for almost 25 years…most of those good ones. We’d been co-workers before we started dating, and that pre-first date flirtation whirlwind reemerged in my conscience when we made a spur-of-the-moment decision to have dinner recently at the place we first started shamelessly flirting. The spot? A remarkably unchanged Sacramento eatery named “The Virgin Sturgeon.” Maybe you’ve heard of the place…it was an infamous haunt for California State legislators back in its late ‘70’s – early ‘80’s heyday. It’s gone through a few ownership changes in the last 40 years…heck, its caught fire, been abandoned and then rehabbed a few times in the last 40 years, too! The memories came flooding back to me the minute we parked our car under shady (but very limited) parking and walked down the vintage 1960’s PAN-AM Jetway (an actual jetway procured from SFO) to the floating eatery. The food is still better than average, the service was excellent and people are still smoking cigarettes on the outdoor floating patio – just like it was 1981. Or 1995, the year Meg and I began to fall in love on the floating chunk of Sacramento History naughtily coined “The Virgin Sturgeon.”
John Young