Lady Gaga Articulates What A Lot Of White Progressives Are Feeling Right Now

Lady Gaga took to her social media accounts this past Saturday to call out The President: “He holds the most powerful office in the world, yet offers nothing but ignorance and prejudice while black lives continue to be taken. We have known he is a fool, and a racist, since he took office,” wrote Gaga. “He is fueling a system that is already rooted in racism, and racist activity, and we can all see what is happening.” Gaga expressed her outrage over the killing of George Floyd and the systematic racism that has plagued the country for generations. Gaga said she identifies as a “white, privileged woman” and called for all of us to support black communities in our country. “We haven’t, as a privileged community, done enough to fight racism and stand up for those people who are being killed by it,” Gaga wrote on Instagram. Gaga says she will continue the fight, saying “This isn’t justice. This is an epic tragedy that defines our country and has for a long time. I am sad. I am angry. And I will use the words that I can find to try to communicate what needs to change in an effective and non-violent way as is possible for me.” If you’re called to action by Lady Gaga’s words, Bless You…be a listener…be an advocate…be an active anti-racist…be The Change our beloved country desperately needs.

John Young

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