Can You Spare A Few Hours A Week To Deliver Meals?
If the answer is “Yes,” or “Probably,” you might find the perfect fit with Meals on Wheels Solano and the amazing work they do feeding Solano County Seniors in your hometown. I had the privilege of being part of a p “ride-a-long” with a Meals on Wheels driver back in 2018, and I got to see firsthand what an impact those meal deliveries had on the seniors we delivered them to. It’s so much more than a meal…in many cases, that meal delivery is the only contact a senior might have with someone all week. The meal deliveries become a chance for connection, as well as a chance for another set of eyes to check in and make sure that senior is doing alright. The beauty of the Meals on Wheels model of volunteerism is the minimal number of hours volunteers need to commit to the program in order to make a real difference: two to three hours a week. What a great way to give back to your community without necessarily straining your own busy schedule. Check out the current Meals on Wheels Solano volunteer opportunities at, or call Executive Director Laurie Hartmann at (707)-425-0638.
John Young