Artist Banksy Reveals His Latest Shelter-At-Home Masterpiece
Art lovers all over the world got a big surprise when British artist Banksy revealed his latest work on Instagram on April 15th: “My Wife Hates It When I Work From Home.” It depicts what his bathroom looks like when rats take over, and boy do they. From squirting toothpaste on the walls to relieving themselves in the toilet, Banksy’s rats seem to be having a field day as they wreak havoc. Obviously Banksy can’t decorate walls, buildings, bridges and other structures with his famous out-door art during the current shelter-at-home orders in The UK. However, art lovers still left comments on the social media post, offering up their homes as a canvas for Banksy once the pandemic subsides. One fan of the mysterious artist zoned in the one thing that was on everyone’s mind, “Banksy has a wife?!” Banksy’s artwork has sold for as much as $1.4 million; would you offer up your home as a canvas for the mystery painter?
John Young